shutterstock_1723848115_2jo0GfW..jpeg (shutterstock_1723848115.webp)Getting help for addiction can be a challenge in itself and it is only made more difficult if you are not able to do in-person care. At Gateway Rehab, we believe everyone deserves access to quality addiction treatment. Whether you can't reliably commute to treatment or you have health concerns about completing your program in person, you should be able to receive the care you need no matter where you are. That's why Gateway Rehab is proud to provide telehealth to our patients.

How Does Telehealth Work For Recovery?

At Gateway Rehab, we offer a variety of addiction and recovery services through telehealth. We provide patients with the same compassion and care as they would receive if they were sat in our office. Gateway Rehab has discovered that treatment is most successful when those participating can both view and hear one another through an audio-visual connection. Don't worry if you don't have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with online connectivity - Gateway's team will happily provide assistance in finding the right resources for you. To ensure confidentiality during telehealth sessions, Gateway utilizes Zoom for Healthcare; this encrypted platform guarantees data security while adhering to HIPAA regulations.

Telehealth services at Gateway Rehab can be used for initial assessments, group or individual therapy sessions, family counseling sessions, aftercare services, and more. No matter your treatment needs, telehealth at Gateway rehab ensures that you'll have access to professional care from the specialists you trust. Patients can receive many of the same services that they normally would through telehealth, such as:

  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment - This treatment typically consists of scheduled sessions with a licensed therapist or counselor. The therapy sessions will focus on addiction, relapse prevention, and developing healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Individual Therapy - This type of therapy helps patients understand their motivators for using substances and teaches them how to create more positive responses to triggers.
  • Outpatient Counseling Groups - These groups provide a safe place for patients to talk through their issues and learn from the experiences of others.
  • Case Management - Our case managers help coordinate care plans, keep track of progress, and refer patients to other resources if necessary.
  • Recovery Support Peer Program - This recovery support program provides a safe and supportive environment for patients to discuss relapse prevention, coping skills, and long-term goals with a recovery specialist.
  • Medication management - Our medication management services provide patients with access to medications for substance use disorder, supervised by our experienced and qualified medical staff.

By offering telehealth services, Gateway Rehab is able to provide more individuals with access to quality addiction care. If you are looking for help with your recovery, please do not hesitate to reach out and see how telehealth at Gateway Rehab can help. We look forward to helping you on your journey toward a healthier life.

How Can Telehealth Help My Recovery?

Telehealth is an important part of recovery as it allows Gateway's specialists to offer compassionate addiction care while being mindful of the safety, comfort, and well-being of our clients. Many recent studies have established that telehealth therapy is as effective as an in-person treatment, and many patients find it to be very convenient to access treatment without having to travel to a treatment provider or work through barriers to participate in treatment sessions. However, telehealth is more than just convenient; it's also incredibly beneficial for those in recovery. Some benefits you can experience from telehealth treatment include:

  • Telehealth allows you to take care of your treatment from the comfort of your home or anywhere with an internet connection.
  • The flexibility of telehealth can make it easier to continue your treatment while managing other commitments.
  • Telehealth may help reduce feelings of isolation by providing a safe and supportive environment in a familiar place.
  • It offers an opportunity to discuss any concerns or fears you may have about your recovery, without judgment.
  • Telehealth can provide personalized and individualized care, as you can work one-on-one with your therapist or counselor.
  • Telehealth keeps you safe from the potential exposure of COVID-19, as you can receive treatment without having to physically leave your home.

At Gateway Rehab, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality of care in a safe and supportive environment. We understand that recovery is a lifelong journey and we are here to provide you with the support, guidance, and resources needed to achieve your goals. If you feel like telehealth could benefit you in your recovery process, please reach out to us today and see how our telehealth services can help. We look forward to supporting you on your path toward lasting recovery.

At Gateway Rehab, our priority is to guide patients toward a life of sustained recovery. Our team recognizes that not every patient shares the same path to sobriety, and that is why we customize treatment options that address each individual’s personal needs and goals. If you or a loved one are currently struggling with addiction, we are here to help. Schedule your first appointment with one of our recovery centers today or call 1-800-472-1177 for more information.